At Virindu Consulting, we redefine innovation as a guided journey from identifying problems to designing solutions and, ultimately, delivering value. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our suite of tailored services spans all phases of this journey, from problem recognition to value scaling. We’re here to help teams at any stage become more adept at creating value where it’s lacking and amplifying it where it already exists, both in the public and private sectors.

Your Journey from Problem to Value, Simplified in 4 phases.
Let us Enhance Your Capability to Generate Value & Scale.


How do I know I have a problem worth solving?

Size up & Positioning

What does value mean and for whom?

Solutioning (Go-to Market Formulation)

How do I reach and serve the target market with the identified value in a sustainable way?


How do I execute phases 1 to 3 in a disciplined yet experimental way that ensures value is delivered always?

Our Bespoke Services

Innovation Ecosystem Services

  • Business strategy formulation and business model innovation
  • Sales and marketing (growth hacking)
  • IP Management
  • Innovation curriculum co-design & delivery
  • Investment readiness
  • Grant fund shortlisting and selection
  • Grant fund distribution and reporting
  • Funder matching
  • Partnerships

Global Trade Advisory Services

  • Agent/distributor-qualified searches
  • Market research
  • Finance sourcing
  • Investment assistance
  • Trade Missions
  • Brand representation
  • Trade and Investment Exhibitions, and Events.

Enterprise Knowledge Solutions

  • Strategy
  • Knowledge capture
  • and organization
  • Training and Learning programs

Digitization Services

  • Digital strategy development
  • Process Automation
  • Data analytics and insights
  • Cloud adoption
  • Digital infrastructure

On-demand consulting

  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Implementation
Meet Our Team in Figures: Numbers That Define Our Dedication
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A Snapshot of Our Collective Excellence

Social enterprise supported
0 +
Jobs created
0 +
Ventures created
0 +
Founders advised
0 +
Executives coached
0 +
Bootcamps organized
0 +

Our Unique Approach To Fueling Innovation

We are a global community that supports local changemakers and impact leaders who are addressing systemic challenges in their communities with bespoke advice, training, and coaching to enable them create more impact with less resources. How do we do it?

Local bespoke solutions

In line with the old African adage, “alone we can go fast, together we can go FAR”, our community-centric model fosters leadership and mentorship as subject matter experts support innovators on a one-on-one or group basis in multiple regions simultaneously and on an ongoing basis. This in turn creates a community of changemakers and leaders characterized by openness to learning, strong support networks, efficient, transfer of knowledge, and exponential growth of each impact project supported.

Local Context, Local Capacity

At Virindu, we believe that a person with lived-experience is best placed to coach someone navigating a similar context. With over 30+ consultants spread across 4 continents, we ensure that every expert of our community has a relatable experience with the problem they are called to advise on that makes them perfectly suited to deliver THAT support service, in THAT language and in THAT market.

Local champions scaling sustainability

Our model is uniquely designed to not just train and coach changemakers, but to get them to excel at delivering innovation at a scale that they themselves become mentors/coaches to other leaders within their circle of influence. This in turn creates a self- sustaining mechanism that deepens impact beyond a generation.

At Virindu, We thrive on discussions about your growth challenges. We're more than problem-solvers; we're bridge builders, connecting the dots to drive progress.